1. Introduction

 Today i’m going to tell you about myself. 

My name is Sofía, i’m an Industrial Design student at Univesidad de Chile, also i am an apprentice of Graffiti and Muralism. I came from the VI region of Chile, specifically a small town called San Vicente de Tagua Tagua. Is very close to the Santiago, around two hours for the coast.

I lived there until i was sixteen years old, then i came to Stgo. As a child i was very independent, this attitude give me courage for live in the city. When i arrive, i came with the idea of learn about art, design, graffiti and especially all of Hip Hop culture.

Today, I am in my fourth year of my career.

I am also a daughter and older sister. I have two brothers. Emma have six years old and Simón nineteen, they live with my Mother Sofía, at San Vicente Tagua Tagua. 

This town have diferents hills and landscape. Is a beautiful and relaxing rural area.

But actually, I live in Quinta Normal with my father Richard and my uncle "Chicho". 

My hobbies is listen music, read, draw, walk with friends, drink coffee, cook, graffiti and the Hip-hop in general. 

So, I show you some images about of some proyects and of my dear little town

   Graffiti "Agua Libre" with a friend "Delirio" of our crew "Kazas", 2019

Mural "Landscapes of Chile", 2022

Central Square of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua

Canal of Pencahue, localy of San Vicente TT. 


  1. How neautiful, I love Graffitis, I´ve always wanted to make one, well i did, i made a wall in my hause, but it didn´t turn out so pretty

  2. https://choosedayblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/an-interesting-trip.html


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2. An interesting trip!

Lina Bo Bardi