2. An interesting trip!

Since i have around 5 years old a have trips on hitchhiking with mi grandmother, she would say "We have this follies to enjoy the life and no be afraid to nothing". And after to her sudden death i continue with our tradition. 

  I try to travel all summers with my backpacking "mochilera", my finger for the hitchhiking and a friend. Or even i do travel alone, but not yet on hitchhiking for long trips. 

So, i do my travels between the final weeks of february and inicial days of march because on this days all places no have al lot of people. I often go to the south of Chile for your green landscapes and your beautiful magic people. 

But in the summer of 2022 i trip with my friend "Gorgona" to the north, our goal was to arrive to the abandoned beach to the smalltown "Pan de Azúcar". My friend same me is so adventurous and have experience, she meet this place in 2021. 

My friend Gorgona 

                                The park its ubicated in the Antofagasta y Atacama regions. 

First of all the trip, we agree to realice this adventure because we both like the south of Chile, but this time we wanted to change course. So, we decided to travel to the north. My friend in the summer of 2021 travel to this zone, so she knew the route. Also, we don't have much time to travel because our classes were starting at the university very early, in March. 

Therefore we decided to make this trip in express mode. We packed our backpacks  very quickly, organizing meals, clothes and everything we needed to take with us to camp in the desert. Our trip was very crazy and above all economical. 

We beging with the hitchhiking in San Vicente Tagua Tagua on "The fuit route" and we taken to Pelequén on "Route 5". And we would have to travel this road for many kilometers to reach our destination. So we hitchhiked through it, in cargo trucks. 

In total we took 3 trucks and 3 cars. 

But the most friendly and protective truck driver was "Mauricio". He was Argentinean and did routes in the North of Chile, Argentina y Uruguay. He has the owner of his own trucking company. 

He told us about his wife and daughter. He met his wife in Pan de Azúcar, wich was our destination. So began our early friendship and deep conversations about the life. 

We travel with Mauricio to Coquimbo and we spent the night there. He cooked us a "trucker's dinner" and we shared with him many laughs and stories. 

To the next day, we Mauricio thought he should contonue his trip to he north of Chile, but he had to get to Uruguay. Sp we had to say goodbye and we were very sad, including him. 

So we continued our trip from Coquimbo to our destination. We took a van and then a truck. 
This truck driver was from the south of Chile and he told us that he had already seen us hitchhiking two times, and he said to himself, that if he saw us for the third time he would take us, and that's how it happened hahaha! 

He left us very close to our destination, specifically in Chañaral. So Pan de Azúcar was approximately 15 to 20 kilometers away. 

On the way we were stopped by a van and he brought us as close as he could. And then we walked until we reached Playa Amarilla.
There we spent a fun night camping and the next day we continued our way to Pan the azucar. 

Our goal was to get to a beach that felt abandoned, away from everyone and Pan de Azucar is exactly what we were looking for. Listening to he sounds of nature, the waves, the sea birds. Feeling the breeze and the sand. 

We stayed there another night and then continued down south, taking in a bit of each place. 

Graffiti in Coquimbo

Cooking lentils in Plata Amarilla

Playa de Pan de Azucar

In a truck, back to Caldera

Me in Playa Zapatilla, Caldera.


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1. Introduction

Lina Bo Bardi